On Spiritual Surrender

Personal Growth

(Jul. 7, 2017) I have been tossing something around and around in my mind for months trying to get clarity. You see, it is my dream to have a business from home, doing something that I love, that allows me to share my gifts and be a blessing to others, while providing the space I need to nurture my children. This has been my dream for many years, but has been my solid prayer since last summer, which I prayed for nightly in the months leading up to Isabelle's birth. I didn't know exactly what this business would be, where my passion would combine with my purpose, but I know enough to surrender and let God handle the details.

Despite my prayers, and my attempts at surrender (usually after much frustration, confusion, and overwhelm), I still don't know. I've had many ideas, and have taken action on things I'm passionate about, but in the end, I still feel stuck.

This week, I started to have some tiny breakthroughs that I wanted to share. The first is that my mind is not going to reveal the answers. Our minds are helpful in many ways, but what I am seeking is a peaceful mind and a revelation in my spirit. The mind is fickle, and it is no wonder that when I rely upon it, I end up confused and change my mind repeatedly. Rather than be in my head, I've tuned into my spiritual guidance more this week by limiting my intake of information, resting my mind, practicing deep breathing, praying, connecting to God in my spirit (not just in my mind), getting outside, exercising, having true quiet time during Isabelle's naps, and simply listening.

All of the above are great first steps. So is an acceptance that the answers will come in divine timing, not in my own. I also watched a video this morning that was extremely helpful: Gabrielle Bernstein's talk at Oprah's Super Soul Sessions. In it, she shares a personal story that led her to create 5 steps for spiritual surrender. I encourage you to watch it here, and I will share her steps below:

Pray for the highest good for all.

Focus on what is thriving.

Obstacles are detours in the right direction.

Ask for a sign.

When you think you've surrendered, surrender some more. 

And so I will pray this trusting prayer, focus on what IS working in this area of my life (painting), know that when things get complicated it's time to stop, ask for signs, and keep on surrendering. I am grateful that I received this message today, a reminder of what I already know, but with a deeper understanding as it applies to my current situation. I hope this post was helpful, and I would love to hear what you are surrendering on the path to your dreams <3


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