Blog — Personal Growth
Core Desired Feelings
(Nov. 20, 2013) I love Danielle LaPorte, partially because she is a rebel and thinks out of the box, but also because she taught me about core desired feelings. Allow me to explain the concept. Everything that we want is because of the way we think it will make us feel. For example, if someone wants a new flashy sports car, what they really might want is to feel successful. Or someone wanting more money may really be seeking security. In some cases, someone may want something like a high powered executive job only to find out that they don't...
The Power of Vulnerability
(Oct. 4, 2013) I just finished watching Brene Brown's TED talk on the power of vulnerability. She will be the guest on next week's Super Soul Sunday on OWN. Watching it gave me the relief I've been looking for the last few days. I've been in this pattern where I slow down and connect spiritually each Sunday when life slows down. I feel good and connected for a couple of days, until I begin to feel off track around Wednesday. I can describe "off track" by saying that I get ahead of myself, I feel distracted and disconnected from my true nature,...
First Thing's First
(Oct. 3, 2013) I have been a seeker for many years. Although we are all technically on a spiritual journey, I became aware of this fact roughly 12 years ago when I was "broken open" by life's events. At that time, the circumstances of my life forced me to begin questioning, and to start looking for answers to those questions. I started asking myself such things as, "How did I get here?", "Why is this happening?", "What do I want?", "What does it all mean?" and so on. The problem, I realized only a mere 12 years later, is that...