Blog — Personal Growth

January: Vision

Personal Growth

January: Vision

Welcome to the first post in my 2025 blog series! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday season, and that you are finding some comfort in the slowness of winter. Each month, I will be sharing a new post with a guiding word, to inspire and uplift with some creativity and wisdom. This month's theme is VISION. My favorite thing to do during the week between Christmas & New Year's is to begin visioning for the new year, in between resting and enjoying the quiet magic of the season. In case you were wondering, it is definitely not...

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When in Doubt, Write

Personal Growth

When in Doubt, Write

(Jun. 30, 2018) Just start. Just start writing. I've been in such a deeply reflective state lately which seems in contrast to the outwardly active energy of the summer. Although summers of the past do remind me of that long and leisurely time of childhood, so somehow it seems appropriate. The truth is I'm feeling burned out in lots of ways. Luckily that feeling only hits me every so often and I'm still able to carry on each day and do all the summer mom things. Trips to the beach, Sea World, swimming and what not. I put a LOT...

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I Want to Read for Pleasure and Watch all the Movies

Personal Growth

I Want to Read for Pleasure and Watch all the Movies

(May 1, 2018) Some thoughts with Summer on the horizon: I want to read for pleasure and watch all the movies. I want to actually nap when the baby naps. I want to go swimming, take walks on the pier, and smell the ocean. I want to laugh. I want to play with my kids and hear them laugh. I want to go on a date with my man. I want to eat really delicious food. I want to embrace simple pleasures. I want to catch up with my girlfriends over drinks, and laugh some more. I want to feel...

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Space from the Striving

Personal Growth

Space from the Striving

(May 23, 2018) I'm feeling a shift inside of me. Where I was once vocal, I feel quiet. Where I was once active, I feel withdrawn. I feel myself going more within instead of looking out. I'm sitting with how I feel, asking myself what I think and the answers are coming. I'm done with the striving, and the overexertion of my nervous system. I can't keep up with everything and everybody if I'm going to do me. It feels somewhat isolating, yet right. I get random urges to reach out, to take more things on, to say yes when...

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Winter Reflections

Personal Growth

Winter Reflections

(Mar. 11, 2018) It's been a little while since I've written anything, my last post was on New Year's Eve mentioning how instead of making resolutions, I was headed into a season of "Deep Inner Rest." Instead of springing into action for the new year, I was craving restoration on many levels following the busyness of the holidays, and processing a move to Oregon that we didn't make. Now, of course with young children I'm not able to take many long winter's naps, but I have taken a lot of time to reflect on what I want to let go...

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